Songbird is excited to announce our first-ever Lynx contest is open until March 31, 2022! If you are a fan of the Lynx game Unnamed published by Songbird last year, then you’re in for a real treat. We are offering THREE limited edition Unnamed Champions physical Lynx cartridges as prizes. That’s right, you can win one of three very unique Lynx carts. Each cart will contain a list of the three winners plus a special bonus stage mini-game similar to the puzzles found in the original Unnamed cartridge. Read on if you’d like to learn more about the contest and find out how to play!
Limitation of Liability
By submitting a contest entry as described below, you agree to abide by the rules and results as solely determined by the contest organizer, Songbird Productions. Furthermore, by participating in this contest, you agree to release and hold harmless Songbird Productions and all its affiliates against all claims and liabilities.
How to Play
Four contest questions are presented below. These questions all pertain to the Lynx game “Unnamed” which was released in March 2021 by Songbird Productions. You can learn more about the game on the Songbird website. Each contestant must answer these questions, and submit the contest entry by sending exactly one email to sales@songbird-productions.com containing their answers using the entry format shown below. Limit one entry per household.
Contest Questions:
- Lonely Bard: How many songs (or distinct song variations) are present in Unnamed?
Hint: Don’t overthink this one, as it’s meant to be straightforward. It’s more than one song, and fewer than 10. If you’ve heard a song, you’ve heard it; there are not one or two changed notes you need to pick out. In fact, to make this contest question simpler, there are two answers Songbird will accept as valid. - Journalist: Reveal the location of the new note in game+.
Hint: If you’ve played through game+, this should be easy. No need to describe the entire room or area in detail. Instead, just describe the spot where the new note can be found. Is it next to, on, in, or under something? Short answer is fine for this one. - Cheat Death: Die at least 3 different ways in the game and provide evidence (screenshots or written summary of what you did).
Hint: There is only one “easy” way to die in the game, which involves a ghost. To make this contest question easier, you can use this “easy” death up to two times, as long as you describe each room or area where it occurred.
Hint: The other ways to die require creative use of your equipment. Consider how you use each item in the game for its intended purpose, then think about other ways you could combine those items with a new location or environment for disastrous effects. Note that some equipment may be consumed or is otherwise unavailable after certain checkpoints in the game. - Impossible Mission: get stuck in a spot where it becomes impossible to complete the game, and describe what you did.
Hint: When we say “impossible to complete the game”, we mean during your current session, you can no longer go backwards to most previous areas nor can you advance in your current area. This is not the same as simply getting stuck and not knowing how to proceed. Rather, you have done something to alter the game such that you either need to restart the game from the beginning, or (if you’re lucky) restart from a save point before you got into that sticky situation.
Entry format:
Each entry must be sent via email to sales@songbird-productions.com. The subject line must read WITHOUT the quotes: “Unnamed Champions Contest”. The body of the email must contain the following:
<Your first and last name here>
<One of the following: AtariAge handle, Twitter handle, cell phone including country code>
- Lonely Bard: <your answer here>
- Journalist: <your answer here>
- Cheat Death: <your answer here>
- Impossible Mission: <your answer here>
Example email entry:
From: sales@songbird-productions.com
To: sales@songbird-productions.com
Subject: Unnamed Champions Contest
Carl Forhan
Twitter handle: @SongbirdPro
1. Lonely Bard: Wouldn’t
2. Journalist: you
3. Cheat Death: like
4. Impossible Mission: to know
Songbird is offering a total of three identical prizes. The prize is a physical Lynx cartridge entitled “Unnamed Champions”, and will contain the names of the three contest winners plus a mini-game similar to the puzzles found in the original Lynx Unnamed cartridge.
Contest rules
- The contest runs until 11:59PM USA Central Time on March 31, 2022. No contest entries will be considered after this date.
- Limit one entry per household. Submission of additional entries from alternate email addresses or by other members of your household will disqualify all related entries.
- Three winners will be identified at the end of the contest. Limit one prize per contestant.
- Only contest entries containing correct answers for all four questions will be considered valid. If, at the end of the contest period, there are insufficient valid entries, then partially correct entries will be considered as valid entries, starting with entries containing the most correct answers as determined by Songbird Productions.
- Songbird Productions is the sole judge for determining contest entry validity. All decisions are final.
- Winners will be determined in April 2022 and notified via email in that same month. If more than three valid contest entries are received, the winners will be chosen randomly by Songbird Productions.
- Each winner will have 30 days to respond to the email from sales@songbird-productions.com to provide their mailing address for the prize cartridge and how their name should appear in the cartridge. Failure to respond will result in forfeiture of the prize, and an alternate winner will be notified.
- Once all three winners have been confirmed, the names of the winners will be posted on the Songbird website, @SongbirdPro Twitter account, AtariAge Lynx forums, and Songbird email newsletter.
- By participating in this contest, you agree to allow Songbird to use your name in the Unnamed Champions cartridge as well as in promotional information as described in rule #8.
- Most importantly, have fun! This is a chance to explore the world of Unnamed and push your game trivia knowledge to the limit. Thank you to all the Lynx fans who have kept the Atari spirit alive for so many years!