As many of you know, Songbird is in the process of rebranding our games compatible with the Jaguar and Lynx systems to no longer use those original brand logos. Instead, we have new Songbird branding which will be used on all go-forward releases as shown above.
We have secured limited permission to continue to use the original Jaguar and Lynx logos while supplies last and only for a limited time. After we deplete our current inventory, if a game is reprinted, then it will be with the new Songbird branding on the packaging. So if you want the original logos, now is the time to buy some games.
Furthermore, there are a few games which are only available while supplies last, and WILL NOT be available from Songbird at a later date. These affected games are Lynx Centipede, Jaguar Iron Soldier 2 (both CD and cart), and Breakout 2000. Thus we encourage Jaguar and Lynx fans to pick up these games before they run out!
We really appreciate your patience and understanding as we go through this transition. It’s been a very expensive process for us, especially considering some of our games have been available for over 20 years. Rebranding our products now will ensure we can keep offering great games for your favorite retro systems for many years to come.
Please consider buying some games today. It’s the best way to support Songbird through this process. Otherwise, if you’d like to show your support directly, you can send a digital “thank you” to Songbird as shown below. And let us say a very big THANK YOU to all the fans that have stuck with us, whether you just found out about us recently or have been there since the beginning in 1999. You are the reason we have kept pursuing new games for the Lynx and the Jaguar for over two decades!

$5 digital thank you:
$10 digital thank you:
$25 digital thank you: