Here’s a taste of things to come in 2025… and we expect even more! Lots of games in the pipe, and thankfully only a few are bottlenecked behind me (Carl). Also, look for pre-orders to open in January for three Jaguar reprints: Wormhole 2000, SpideX, and Atari Karts! Wormhole and SpideX feature all new […]
Category Archives: News
Can you believe it?!? 25 years ago, aspiring hobby developer Carl Forhan launched Songbird Productions and hosted an event called JagFest in June 1999. The fan-led event has appeared off and on over the years, even in Europe as e-JagFest, but that was the only event hosted by Songbird… until NOW. Songbird is pleased to […]
As many of you know, Songbird is in the process of rebranding our games compatible with the Jaguar and Lynx systems to no longer use those original brand logos. Instead, we have new Songbird branding which will be used on all go-forward releases as shown above. We have secured limited permission to continue to use […]
Songbird is excited to announce the upcoming release of Towers II Enhanced Stargazer Edition for the Jaguar. The game was fully remastered by the original development team at JV Games, and includes numerous features such as improved frame rate, 16-bit CRY graphics with light-sourcing, in-game audio for NPC encounters, and more storage for game saves. […]
Introducing the Aries64 by Songbird! Aries64 allows you to connect any Nintendo 64 controller to your NUON DVD game system. It features a 4-pin firewire connector with a 7′ cable, and suppports one analog stick and all action buttons. Pre-orders open now for a March 15, 2023 release date. Find out more on the product […]
At long last, here is the first public beta for Microvaders for the Atari Lynx! It is playable on any Lynx emulator or Lynx GD cartridge. We’re super-excited to get your feedback on this one. What do you like? What would change? What do you want to see more of in the full release? Put […]
Today we are announcing two new releases: Freefall 3050 AD for NUON, and Microvaders Preview Edition for Lynx. Both are coming October 25, 2022. Get all the details below and reserve your copies today for Freefall! Also help us spread the word on these exciting releases; we can only make this happen because of dedicated […]
When we shipped our first wave of Asteroite carts in March 2022, several customers immediately noticed game-crashing bugs in the first few minutes of gameplay. This was a complete surprise, as we had never seen the game crash after multiple people had playtested the game from start to finish. It turns out that some Jaguar […]
At long last, we have winners for the Lynx Unnamed Champions contest! The winners are: jgkspsx Dave Valdez Kevin Mosley They will each soon receive an Unnamed Champions cartridge with their name or userid forever inscribed inside the ROM and proudly displayed on the Lynx screen. We hope everyone enjoyed the contest! There were some mysteries to […]
Songbird recently asked pixel artist anderlex if he could provide a new background for the upcoming Lynx game Microvaders. Lo and behold, just a couple hours later he had a mockup ready with a full-screen starfield, improved palette, and sprite enhancements. Thus I knew I had to get busy incorporating those graphics right away to […]